EAGLE Talon Enterprise SCADA Software. - ECCO


EAGLE Talon Enterprise SCADA Software.

Talon™ Family

Eagle Research Corporation® designed the Talon™ family specifically to meet the user’s needs, providing software modules for both central office and field operations. Talon™ Software Suite provides application solutions for Natural Gas, Water/Wastewater, Environmental Protection, Steam, and Electrical applications. Industrial/Commercial Measurement, Pressure/ Temperature Monitoring, Supervisory Control, and Odorization are but a few of the systems that can benefit from the use of this software. Talon Enterprise™

Talon Enterprise™ provides a company-wide software network platform to perform the functions that are often segregated into separate SCADA and Electronic Measurement Systems. The Talon™ family of software gives the user the ability to create a powerful host platform that meets specific and distributed data collection requirements.

In the current energy industry environment, many companies are scattered across state and international boundaries. Having the ability to distribute Talon Enterprise™ modules across the network infrastructure puts collection and management of the data closer to the source, resulting in improved overall system

Talon Enterprise Brochure

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