Jamie Chadwick drove her way to a career best INDY NXT finish at the Detroit Grand Prix! - ECCO

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Photo of Jamie Chadwick signing autograph cards

Jamie Chadwick drove her way to a career best INDY NXT finish at the Detroit Grand Prix!

INDY NXT by Firestone Detroit Grand Prix

“That’s a long, tough, physical race, but we stuck in there. I didn’t race as well as I would’ve liked. Gave up a few too many positions but we still stayed through it and kept the nose clean. Now we just have to get ready to fight again tomorrow.”


POSITION: Race 1 – 15 / Race 2 – 14

After running in the top 10 during morning practice, Chadwick secured her fastest qualifying lap in a late session run.

Chadwick improved in the qualifying session for Race 2 from 15th to 14th, with a time of 1:08.0675.

“I’m pretty disappointed. After practice, I felt like we were in a good place. However, we couldn’t quite get the time in qualifying. It goes so quick. We didn’t quite get the opportunity. It’s going to be a busy race tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to fighting forward.”

The Race

  • The 45-lap race only saw one full course yellow and multiple of local yellows for various incidents around the circuit.
  • Only three lead changes occurred across Race 1.
  • At the checkered flag, 14 out of a 19 car field were on the lead lap.

The Driver


START: Position 15

FINISH: Position 11

CHAMPIONSHIP: 17 (70 pts)


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