Empowering Women in the Natural Gas Industry: ECCO Women’s Conference Recap - ECCO

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Empowering Women in the Natural Gas Industry: ECCO Women’s Conference Recap

This year’s ECCO Women’s Conference, titled “Women Winning in Business,” was a transformative event dedicated to empowering women across various roles in the natural gas industry. Over two dynamic days, the conference united industry leaders, innovators, and aspiring professionals for an enriching experience filled with inspiration, education, and community service.


Conference Highlights Included:

  • Insightful talks from female corporate leaders
  • Empowering workshops
  • Unforgettable network opportunities
  • Inspiring opportunity to give back through community work

Keynote Speaker: Designing Your Career and Persevering While Learning on Mentors

This year’s conference began with an inspiring keynote address by Carolyn Mosby, a celebrated author, speaker, executive, and advocate. Carolyn captivated the audience with her personal story and experiences, emphasizing the importance of leaning on mentors, maintaining composure under pressure, and reaping the rewards of perseverance. She also stressed the value of drawing from one’s history and past experiences, as well as recognizing opportunities when they arise. As a former executive in the natural gas industry, Carolyn provided invaluable insights into navigating and excelling within the field, offering practical advice and motivation to all attendees.

Interactive Predictive Index Activity

One of the most engaging sessions was the Predictive Index activity, led by leadership consultant Mandy Haskett. This interactive exercise helped attendees gain a deeper understanding of their work styles and behavioral drives. Participants uncovered their strengths and areas for development, fostering greater self-awareness and enhancing teamwork. Mandy expertly guided the group through interpreting their results, discussing how these insights could be applied to boost productivity and collaboration within their organizations. The activity sparked lively discussions and provided a valuable tool for both personal and professional growth.

Importance of Wellness and Time Management

In today’s fast-paced industry, wellness and time management are crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Swathi Rao, PA-C and wellness expert, led a session on integrating wellness practices into daily routines, emphasizing the benefits of mindfulness, regular exercise, and proper nutrition in reducing stress and boosting overall productivity. Additionally, Rhoda Nyce from Insomnia Mom shared practical time management strategies, including identifying distractions, prioritizing tasks, setting boundaries, and utilizing technology to streamline workflows. Attendees left with actionable tips to enhance their well-being and efficiency, feeling more equipped to manage their professional and personal lives effectively.

Volunteering with Pack Away Hunger

The conference concluded with a heartwarming volunteer experience organized by Pack Away Hunger, a non-profit dedicated to combating food insecurity. Attendees enthusiastically rolled up their sleeves to pack nutritious meals for families in need. This activity not only made a tangible impact on the community but also fostered a strong sense of camaraderie and purpose among the participants. It served as a powerful reminder of the importance of giving back and supporting those in need, leaving everyone with a profound sense of fulfillment and unity.

women winning in business conference

Looking Forward

The ECCO Women Winning in Business Conference was a tremendous success, inspiring attendees and equipping them with new tools to advance their careers. The blend of expert insights, interactive activities, and community service created a well-rounded and impactful experience. Looking ahead to future events, ECCO remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting and empowering women in the natural gas industry, fostering a culture of growth, inclusion, and excellence.

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